In this 30-minute talk from A-Fest Mexico 2016, Tom Chi, inventor and co-founder of Google X, shares one of the most powerful ideas you can learn: it transcends science, religion, politics, social responsibility and humanism. He describes in practical terms how we’re all interconnected. He goes into great detail in explaining some fascinating truths regarding each of these attributes that connect consciousness. Part I: Tom Chi begins by speaking about the: Heart Iron, Stars, Galaxies, Laniakea Breath Carbon, Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), H2O, Ozone, Endosymbiosis, Chloroplasts Mind The piano, ‘the palette of being’, personal impact   Part II Tom Chi What are [More]
Earth Talk: Science and Spiritual Practices Lecture by Dr Rupert Sheldrake   In this lecture at Schumacher College, Rupert Sheldrake shows how the “scientific worldview” is moribund; the sciences are being constricted by assumptions that have hardened into dogmas. But science itself is now transcending the materialist philosophy, and pointing toward a new sense of a living world. The cosmos is no longer like a machine running down; it is more like a developing organism with an inherent memory, and so is our planet, Gaia. These new paradigm shifts in the sciences shed a new light on spiritual practices like pilgrimage, [More]
Is Consciousness Located In The Brain? Evidence for Reincarnation   Dr. Bruce Greyson reports of cases that suggest that consciousness does not need a physical brain and in fact not even a physical body. Presented at the “Cosmology and Consciousness Conference” hosted by Upper TCV, Dharamsala, in 2011 Is there consciousness in other galaxies? What is the origin of consciousness? What is it like to be a bat, octopus, or a tree? These are all great questions but Dr. Bruce Grayson would like to ask, what it is like to be a human being? Most western psychologists believe that consciousness [More]
AutoSuggestion & The Subconscious Mind An audio presentation by Dr. Emile Coue discusses auto-suggestion and it’s role on the subconscious mind. “I’m getting better and better every day, in every way!” or “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” This statement used to be part of my morning mantra for years. I haven’t consciously focused on it in a while but it has become a large part of my subconscious since I started years ago and because of it I have continued to excel every day in every way in ways I can recognise; building more excitement and [More]
Master The Mind To Create Your Reality Every thought we think and speak is actually creating our future. It’s as though thoughts go out to the universe and are accepted and sent back to us as an experience. If you can really accept the fact that every time you think a thought or speak a word, you are literally painting your future, making your dinner or whatever you want to call it; you are creating… and you are creating your own life. Once you accept this, you can deliberately creating what you want in your life. You also become aware [More]
Double Your Brain Power Brian Tracy (The Author of this AMAZING video!) is one of America’s leading authorities on the enhancement of personal effectiveness, the development of human potential, and the art of salesmanship. A dynamic and entertaining speaker, he has motivated and inspired thousands of people toward peak performance and high achievement. His seminars on leadership, goals, motivation, time management, and success psychology draw capacity audiences. Many think our creativity is limited to their IQ, or the grades they got in school and that somehow creativity is reserved for the scientists, musicians, and painters, or writers and poets. The [More]
Everything begins with a thought. Thoughts shape our lives. You are the creator of your reality. You are where you are today because of the thoughts, words, choices, and actions… which all stems from your thoughts. Les Brown tells us how in this inspirational video if you desire to be more successful, you MUST recondition your mind for success. This ties into the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, whatever you devote your energy through Thoughts, Words, Feelings, and Actions, you manifest to you. Whether your thoughts are about something you want, or don’t want, makes no [More]
One Mind, One Intelligence Excerpt: “. . . And so this concept of Hanmaum (One Mind) is central to every true path of spirituality. That our individual minds are a subset of a larger mind and then a larger, and a larger, and ultimately there is one single intelligence that flows through all of the myriads of life forms and even what we think of as inanimate objects. They all participate in the same ultimate intelligence. And thus the entire universe is intelligent. And if there are parallel universes they are included in this as well. Everything that can possibly [More]

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