FOUR HORSEMEN is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works. As the global economy continues to veer from crisis to catastrophe many more people are looking for wise counsel on how to reshape the Western Economy. Over the last three years 23 global thinkers many of whom have been marginalized -have come together to break their silence and explain how the world really works. Their views transcend mainstream media and short-term political explanations to describe in simple terms what needs to be addressed in our universities, governments and corporate structures. [More]
“Consent Of The Governed: The Freeman Movement Defined” is nearly 3 hours long, and covers a wide range of topics that effect and hinder our human freedom when dealing with civil SERVANTS who seek to claim authority over us, so be prepared to set aside some educational viewing time … however, I promise you, it will be time well spent. Directed by Steve: Bates in Association w/ Wake Up! Productions   Staring (in order of appearance) Russell Means Alan Watt David Icke Rob Page Robert-Arthur: Menard John Harris Mark Hafner Kurk Kallenbach Paul Craig Roberts G. Edward Griffin Michael of [More]
The Right to Travel is a Common Law right that is at least as old as the Magna Carta, according to the US Supreme Court. Driver Licensing vs. Right to Travel Author Unknown The following argument has been used in at least three states (Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia) as a legal brief to support a demand for dismissal of charges of “driving without a license.” It is the argument that was the reason for the charges to be dropped, or for a “win” in court against the argument that free people can have their right to travel regulated by [More]
The U.S. has become a corporate controlled police state infringing more and more on our inalienable rights. It’s time to stand up, be a man or women and do what is needed if we are to stop complying with the restraints imposed upon us and our societies. Please register your support for our stand against tolls. Get more enlightenment at
The truth about drivers license and how you have been suckered by the government into paying for and abiding by rules that do not apply to any one individual when not engaged in any kind public transportation moving people or using roadways as a business for making money. Eddie Craig presentation on traffic stops and how to act, including what to do and what not to do, plus education on maintaining your rights during traffic stops and other police encounters. Currently under construction, Tao of Law aspires to be the most technologically-advanced, cutting-edge, web-based patriot community and patriot educational, unifying, [More]
One of the most important videos ever created in a very entertaining way. Everyone likes cartoons. “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and [More]
Unless you are being paid to use the road for commerce, you do not need a Commercial Drivers License.  You have a “Right To Travel.”  Charlie Sprinkle and others have gone head to head with the law defending this right, and prevailed.  

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