The Known Universe shows the known universe as mapped through astronomical observations and takes viewers from the Himalayas through our atmosphere and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world’s most complete four-dimensional map of the universe, the Digital Universe Atlas that is maintained and updated by astrophysicists at the American Museum of Natural History. The new film, created by the Museum, is part of an exhibition, Visions of the Cosmos: From the Milky Ocean to an Evolving Universe, at the [More]
Visionary artwork from artist Cameron Gray who resides in Melbourne, Australia. Cameron has qualifications in Graphic Design, Photography, Multimedia Design, and Contemporary Arts, as well as a keen interest in new media, sculpture, jewelry making, painting, experimental video and sound design. His influences and admirations include Troy Ruffels, David Ho, Ryan Larkin, Bill Viola, Ash Sivils, Janelle McKain, Simon Haiduk, Alex Grey, Amanda Sage, Justin Totemical, Android Jones and Pieter Bruegel to name a small selection. At the age of 21, Cameron published his first book of artwork (Parable Visions; the art of Cameron Gray) and to date has published [More]
Alan Watts, popularizing Eastern philosophy to the Western world in a speech about our relationship to the universe. “Why don’t you really know what you want? Two reasons that you don’t really know what you want: #1 You have IT! #2 You don’t know yourself, because you never can. The Godhead is never an object of it’s own knowledge. Just as a knife doesn’t cut itself, fire doesn’t burn itself, light doesn’t illumine itself. It’s always an endless mystery to itself.” – Alan Watts “That which IS the Knower, the Ground of All knowledge, is never Itself an object of [More]
An amusing short clip to cheer up your day and help keep you focused on the things that matter most. This just in… Teddy has recovered well from the operation and is now doing great! 😉
“How do we create an intelligent dialog with the creative force of the Universe to allow us to experience a Quantum leap in our own intelligence?” Does the Universe hear you? Topics such as: Quantum Physics and Communication, Remote Viewing, Mental Telepathy, Intentions, Consciousness, Energy, Vibrations, Frequencies, Biophotons, Soul Mates, Water Memory, and more w/ guests such as: Dr. William Tiller of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University. He is also the author of Science and Human Transformation, a book about concepts such as subtle energies beyond the four, which he believes act in concert with human consciousness. Tiller appeared in the 2004 film What [More]
Dr. Bruce Lipton rocked the scientific community with a groundbreaking discoveries shedding new light on what actually controls biology. Mr. Lipton was a Cellular Biologist at the University of Wisconsin cloning human muscle cells; taking cells out of people and putting them in a petri culture dish and studying individual cells in an effort to understand what was controlling their fate; what was making this dystopic or pathological, what was making them normal in the control process. In this research he started to come to an understanding that greatly differed from his whole scientific foundation that we were controlled by genes. In the [More]
The U.S. has become a corporate controlled police state infringing more and more on our inalienable rights. It’s time to stand up, be a man or women and do what is needed if we are to stop complying with the restraints imposed upon us and our societies. Please register your support for our stand against tolls. Get more enlightenment at
Birth Certificates Strawman & Sold Into Slavery In 1932 “You are a franchise of a foreign corporation on the Maritime Banking Law International Law. You work for the queen of England. Your butt is owed by the Queen of England, in a corporation called The United States while a man named George W. Bush ( Obama, etc… ) is the president of the British corporation.” – Jordan Maxwell
Truth You Can Wake Up To – 7th January 2012 Host Samuel William explains why you are not a ‘person’. Exactly what can you do if you want to break the control of ‘The Crown’? The Crown is the City of London by the way, not the Queen. And FYI The City Of London is it’s own country, not a part of England or the UK and has control WORLDWIDE.
MSNBC’s news anchor Dylan Ratigan is mad as hell and unleashes a fury of truth about the U.S. financial crisis. He, like most of us, are fed up with the political corruption. While convening a roundtable discussion on the market meltdown on eponymous MSNBC show on Tuesday, Ratigan exploded. “We’ve got a real problem!” an exasperated Ratigan shouted. “This is a mathematical fact! Tens of trillions of dollars are being extracted from the United States of America. Democrats aren’t doing it, Republicans aren’t doing it. An entire integrated system, financial system, trading system, taxing system, that was created by both [More]
The truth about drivers license and how you have been suckered by the government into paying for and abiding by rules that do not apply to any one individual when not engaged in any kind public transportation moving people or using roadways as a business for making money. Eddie Craig presentation on traffic stops and how to act, including what to do and what not to do, plus education on maintaining your rights during traffic stops and other police encounters. Currently under construction, Tao of Law aspires to be the most technologically-advanced, cutting-edge, web-based patriot community and patriot educational, unifying, [More]
Sacred Geometry, Ancient Technology, Spirituality, Consciousness, Hidden History, Lost Civilizations, Energy, Coral Castle, Magnetism, Illuminati, Suppression, Religion, Astrology, Numerology, Philosophy, Esoteric and Occult Knowledge, and more…

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