Ram Dass | The Advanced Course [Full Lecture]   We suffer when there is an imbalance between our inner truth and the way we live our lives. Responding to a comment by one of the participants at the 1993 “Wisdom Heart” retreat, Ram Dass gave this lecture about bringing greater awareness into each and every moment of our lives. (Summer 1993) Photos: Lisa Law, Tom Asher, Rameshwar Das
Love Serve Remember, the new short film by Ram Dass and V Owen Bush which distills Ram Dass’ teaching from Be Here Now (1970) to Be Love Now (2010) creating a direct experience that reveals how “love is a state of being”. Love Serve Remember is available in the 40th anniversary eBook: “Be Here Now Enhanced Edition”.   Love Serve Remember Foundation The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserve and continue the teachings of Neem Karoli Baba and Ram Dass. The foundation facilitates the continuation of these teachings through Web casts, Private Heart 2 Hearts with Ram Dass, [More]

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