A video recap of Symbiosis set and shots of the planet mixed to the tune of Planet Life by Random Rab from the album Awoke. Video created by Charles Shaw of Exile Nation Thanks to the BBC for the use of their footage from Human Earth and Planet Earth.  Random Rab Websitehttp://www.randomrab.com 
Most of us know by now that there were three towers that collapsed on September 11th 2001. Three towers, two planes. What sounds strange to any primary pupil, is still referred to as “the official version” which equals “the truth”, at least in the eyes of our governments and their mouthpiece – the mass media. Anyone questioning this kind of truth, sees himself bombarded with accusations of being a conspiracy theorist, who has watched too many dubious YouTube videos from crazy people that have lost their mind. Well, one thing is for sure: The guy you will see in this [More]
Once a completely natural product, much of today's plastic is man-made and largely dependent upon fossil fuels. From polymers to nurdles, learn how plastic is created and what we can do to slow the lasting repercussions this material will have on both our planet and our lives.

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