Alan Watts discusses Yoga, Breath, and Consciousness. Hatha Yoga ( Asana Yoga ) Bhakti Yoga ( Devotion Yoga ) Karma Yoga ( Action Yoga ) Raja Yoga ( Kundalini Yoga ) Mantra Yoga ( Chanting Yoga ) Dhyana Yoga ( Meditation Yoga ) Speech by Alan Watts Music by Aphex Twin Mash up by Aleksey
Kung Fu Academy, China, near the Shaolin Temple. you also can train in this school and make you self to a kungfu star.… China in general takes great pride in discipline but especially the Shaolin. This is a great display of art and discipline by the Tagou Martial Arts School.  
Wayne Dyer discusses 10 principles from his book, The Power Of Intention. 10 Principles 1.) Have a mind that is open to everything, and is attached to nothing.  2.) You can’t give away what you don’t have. 3.) There are no justified resentments. 4.) Don’t die with your music still in you. 5.) Embrace silence. 6.) Give up your personal history. 7.) You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. 8.) Treat yourself as if you already are what you’d like to become. 9.) Treasure your divinity. 10.) Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you.     [More]
Professional Bodybuilder and 6 time Mr. Olympia winner Dorian Yates sat down with London Real in January 2013 to discuss how his “High Intensity Training” techniques changed the sport, the specifics of his steroid use and its effects, how he psychologically reinvented himself after his abrupt retirement in 1997, and his thoughts on conspiracy theories, psychedelics, and cannabis. Mastered from the original tapes this episode has been re-released in a “single camera, single person” format for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy! WEBSITE “Cut & Run” & “The Complex” by Kevin MacLeod (
We found three grandmas who had never smoked pot and gave them an opportunity to try it for the first time. Then we gave them snacks and had them play cards against humanity. And a link to the condensed version: Talent: Paula Dorothea Deirdre Crew: Eric Soma – Audio Mike Gaston – Director Brian Liepe – DP Blaine Ludy – Producer/Weed Expert Jason Hakala – Producer/Camera Operator
AutoSuggestion & The Subconscious Mind An audio presentation by Dr. Emile Coue discusses auto-suggestion and it’s role on the subconscious mind. “I’m getting better and better every day, in every way!” or “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” This statement used to be part of my morning mantra for years. I haven’t consciously focused on it in a while but it has become a large part of my subconscious since I started years ago and because of it I have continued to excel every day in every way in ways I can recognise; building more excitement and [More]
This an excerpt from Greg Kuhn’s new book “Grow A Greater You.”, buy it here! Why Quantum Physicists Play “Grow a Greater You”: Learn How to Live the Most Truly Fulfilling Life Humanly Possible [Kindle Edition] Register at to download this audio for FREE!
Highlights from Jim Carrey’s Inspirational Address to the 2014 MUM Graduation. “The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.” – Jim Carrey Maharishi University of Management ( granted degrees to 285 students representing 54 countries. Jim Carrey gave the commencement address to Maharishi University of Management’s class of 2014. The University Board of Trustees also presented Mr. Carrey with the honorary degree of Doctor of Fine Arts Honoris Causa, in recognition of his significant lifetime achievements as a world-renowned comedian and actor, artist, author and philanthropist. About MUM Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Fairfield, IA [More]
Bear Saves Drowning Crow   Amazing footage of a bear saving a crow from drowning in a Budapest Zoo pond. Seeing animals helping other animals really gives me a warm feeling. I have heard it said that whenever an act of kindness takes place, the giver, the receiver, and even all witnesses experience an increase of endorphins that activate areas of the brain that are associated with pleasure, social connection and trust. These feelings of joyfulness have been proven to be contagious, encouraging more acts of kindness by the giver and recipient. 🙂
Terence Mckenna speech transcribed from a video of a talk by Terence McKenna, originally titled: ‘A Psychedelic Point of View’. “What we are trying to do is return the focus of attention, into individual experience. We need to empower, experience. We have been slave too long to ideology transmitted hierarchically and based on a tremendously alienating instrumentality. That’s what science depends on now, a tremendously alienating instrumentality.   What we need to do is empower experience. This is where the psychedelics come in because citizens don’t take psychedelics because it’s illegal. Neither do marionettes. Neither do robots. None of these [More]
Bashar explains how the release of energy from a nuclear explosion would affect dimensions, time, space, and other worlds. Question: “Are extraterrestrial civilizations monitoring our planets handling of nuclear weapons, and what happens to the fabric of space-time if nuclear weapons of large yield are detonated?” Bashar’s Answer: “In some senses it is warped. In some senses it is penetrated and dissolved. Barriers between dimensions breakdown. The idea of a large release of energy, nuclear or otherwise – but nuclear is sufficient to do it, large releases of energy of that nature will tend to interpenetrate different dimensions and affect [More]
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen Narrated by Earl Nightingale “As A Man Thinketh” is a literary essay by James Allen, published in 1902. “Through most of time man’s control on the environment has been limited, but today this is no longer true. If a man thinks he might like to unmake the atom, he does. If he thinks of living in the depths of the oceans, going to the moon or voyaging in outer space, he does. The problem is no longer than what man can do, it becomes what man can think.” – Earl Nightingale The outer world [More]