Our Need For a Sense Of Unity [Alan Watts & Terence McKenna]

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Our Need For a Sense Of Unity

[Alan Watts & Terence McKenna]

Alan Watts and Terence McKenna talk about our need for a sense of unity as our global problems are getting worse and we have become enemies of our planet and each other.

Music: Carbon Based Lifeforms – Comsat (Hydroponic Garden – 2003 [Ultimae Records])

First speech: Alan Watts – The Nature Of Consciousness

Alan Watts’ website:

Second speech: Terence McKenna – MAPS conference – 1990
Third speech: Terence McKenna – Eros And Eschaton – 1994


Some Strange Things Are Happening To Astronauts Returning To Earth (Vimeo video)
BBC – Secret Life Of Chaos (Documentary)
Tree Of Life (Movie)
An artwork by Cameron Gray (~ 1:41)
Baraka (Documentary)
Home (Documentary)
History Of Human Thinking (YouTube video)
The Fountain (Movie)

All of the above are very much recommended to all of you who enjoyed the video.

Omega Point Facebook page:

Alan Watts & Terence McKenna

Alan Watts & Terence McKenna talk about Unity


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