Bondi Hipsters Presents: “FUCK THE BANKS“   This track is dedicated to the one percent, the Illuminati and the New World Order… #sorrynotsorry GET IT ON iTUNES: SOUL MATES ON FACEBOOK: BONDI HIPSTERS ON FACEBOOK: LYRICS: Fuck the banks they’re all dead to me, Fuck capitalism and democracy, Fuck tax and the country and the GDP. Just fuck the whole economy.   Fuck anyone who works in the CBD, and fuck anyone who went to university. Fuck the reptilian dynasty. And fuck the whole illuminati.   The lizard people watch with an all seeing eye, Atop sky [More]
“How do we create an intelligent dialog with the creative force of the Universe to allow us to experience a Quantum leap in our own intelligence?” Does the Universe hear you? Topics such as: Quantum Physics and Communication, Remote Viewing, Mental Telepathy, Intentions, Consciousness, Energy, Vibrations, Frequencies, Biophotons, Soul Mates, Water Memory, and more w/ guests such as: Dr. William Tiller of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University. He is also the author of Science and Human Transformation, a book about concepts such as subtle energies beyond the four, which he believes act in concert with human consciousness. Tiller appeared in the 2004 film What [More]

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