Bashar explains how the release of energy from a nuclear explosion would affect dimensions, time, space, and other worlds. Question: “Are extraterrestrial civilizations monitoring our planets handling of nuclear weapons, and what happens to the fabric of space-time if nuclear weapons of large yield are detonated?” Bashar’s Answer: “In some senses it is warped. In some senses it is penetrated and dissolved. Barriers between dimensions breakdown. The idea of a large release of energy, nuclear or otherwise – but nuclear is sufficient to do it, large releases of energy of that nature will tend to interpenetrate different dimensions and affect [More]
“Hi, I’m another version of you.” One of the first episodes of the new Waking Universe series hosted by Lance Mungia, featuring Darryl Anka, noted channeler of Bashar. Segments of Bashar’s channelling from February 2012’s Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles are featured as well as Lance and Darryl in the studio to discuss the concepts behind those segments in more detail. Subjects touched upon include Darryl’s daylight sighting of a UFO that began his journey, what channelling is, creating your own reality, the concept of fractal time or all things existing in the now, and how we can practically [More]

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