The story of how the secret of life has been examined through the prism of the most complex organism known – the human body. It begins with attempts to save the lives of gladiators in Ancient Rome, unfolds with the macabre work and near-perfect drawings of Leonardo in the Renaissance, through the idea of the ‘life force’ of electricity, to the microscopic world of the cell. It reveals how a moral crisis unleashed by work on the nuclear bomb helped trigger a great breakthrough in biology – understanding the structure and workings of DNA. How the pursuit of scientific knowledge [More]
Joe Rogan with Amber Lyon JRE 273 Joe explains why psychedelics give him hope.
This is a talk that Thomas Anderson, under the alias Agent J, made in late 2007, called “The Strawman Illusion”. It is based on over 20 years of research.
This video show M.C. Escher himself creating the “Snakes” woodcut. Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) is one of the world’s most famous graphic artists. His art is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world, as can be seen on the many web sites on the Internet. M.C. Escher is known for his often mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints. These feature impossible constructions, explorations of infinity, architecture, and tessellations. Although Escher did not have mathematical training, his understanding of mathematics was largely visual and intuitive. Escher’s work had a strong mathematical component, and more than a few of the [More]
“Hi, I’m another version of you.” One of the first episodes of the new Waking Universe series hosted by Lance Mungia, featuring Darryl Anka, noted channeler of Bashar. Segments of Bashar’s channelling from February 2012’s Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles are featured as well as Lance and Darryl in the studio to discuss the concepts behind those segments in more detail. Subjects touched upon include Darryl’s daylight sighting of a UFO that began his journey, what channelling is, creating your own reality, the concept of fractal time or all things existing in the now, and how we can practically [More]
Dr Wayne Dyer from “Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life” ( audiobook ) based on teachings of Lao Tzu. Living humbly/ living in obscurity. Five hundred years before the birth of Jesus, a God-realized being named Lao-tzu in ancient China dictated 81 verses, which are regarded by many as the ultimate commentary on the nature of our existence. The classic text of these 81 verses, called the Tao Te Ching or the Great Way, offers advice and guidance that is balanced, moral, spiritual, and always concerned with working for the good. In this book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has reviewed [More]
Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have already helped countless people throughout the world find inner peace and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of the teachings lies the transformation of consciousness, a spiritual awakening that he sees as the next step in human evolution. An essential aspect of this awakening consists in transcending our ego-based state of consciousness. This is a prerequisite not only for personal happiness but also for the ending of violence on our planet. Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have already helped countless people throughout the world find inner peace and greater fulfillment in their [More]
A short Humanist animation about death, afterlife, and living in the here and now. Written & produced by the British Humanist Association, and narrated by Stephen Fry. Animated by Hyebin Lee. Thank you to Alom Shaha, Craig Duncan, Andrew Copson, and Sara Passmore That’s Humanism logo design by Nick Cousins Find out more about humanist funerals here:…   “I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” ― Mark Twain Artwork “Lachrymose Lace 2011”, charcoal & pencil 57×40.2 cms by [More]
Voice: Darryl Anka – Bashar Music: Kryptic Minds – Six Degrees Visuals: Between The Buried And Me – Astral Body Video original: Bashar’s Most Profound Speech Transcript: We would have you understand that the flame that you are burns eternally and shall never go out no matter how bright you allow yourself to become. We shall have you understand that you exist now and always shall and you always have, because now is the only time and the only place and the only existence there is and always has been and ever shall be. You are eternal. You are infinite. [More]
Tesla motors, engines, model s turbines patents, secrets Full documentary movie George Westinghouse Thomas Edison, Elihu Thomson, Charles Coffin, Edwin Houston General Electric Niagra fall Alternating current – Nikola Tesla the missing secrets free energy film secret interview Documentary movie about Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla and his secrets and inventions. Movie talks about Tesla’s life and his model inventions and patents. How he changed our world. From induction motor to wireless and plasma systems. Full list of his patents you can see on link:… Nikola Tesla patents: the USA January 26, 1886 Commutator for Dynamo Electric Machines February 9, [More]
This Ayahuasca Documentary features those who use Ayahuasca as a religious sacrament and to heal themselves through mother natures medicine. Those whose usage of ayahuasca is performed in non-traditional contexts often align themselves with the philosophies and cosmologies associated with ayahuasca shamanism, as practiced among indigenous peoples like the Urarina of Peruvian Amazonia. The religion Santo Daime uses it. “They mix chacruna leaves with ayahuasca, which contains several substances that inhibit the stomach enzyme. By cooking the two plants together for hours, it produces a drink that contains orally active DMT and the molecule is absorbed through the stomach intact and [More]
Graham Hancock discusses the shamanistic utilization of psychedelics that create a state of being which usually gifts us a better understanding of our true nature and the nature of consciousness; so as to harmoniously balance our Earthly presence within the universe. “If we as adults are not allowed to make sovereign decisions about what to experience with our own consciousness, while doing no harm to others. Including the decision to use, responsibly, ancient and sacred visionary plants then we cannot claim to be free in any way.” – Graham Hancock  

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