AutoSuggestion & The Subconscious Mind An audio presentation by Dr. Emile Coue discusses auto-suggestion and it’s role on the subconscious mind. “I’m getting better and better every day, in every way!” or “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” This statement used to be part of my morning mantra for years. I haven’t consciously focused on it in a while but it has become a large part of my subconscious since I started years ago and because of it I have continued to excel every day in every way in ways I can recognise; building more excitement and [More]
This an excerpt from Greg Kuhn’s new book “Grow A Greater You.”, buy it here! Why Quantum Physicists Play “Grow a Greater You”: Learn How to Live the Most Truly Fulfilling Life Humanly Possible [Kindle Edition] Register at to download this audio for FREE!
Double Your Brain Power Brian Tracy (The Author of this AMAZING video!) is one of America’s leading authorities on the enhancement of personal effectiveness, the development of human potential, and the art of salesmanship. A dynamic and entertaining speaker, he has motivated and inspired thousands of people toward peak performance and high achievement. His seminars on leadership, goals, motivation, time management, and success psychology draw capacity audiences. Many think our creativity is limited to their IQ, or the grades they got in school and that somehow creativity is reserved for the scientists, musicians, and painters, or writers and poets. The [More]

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