If I came to Rishikesh and I could only tell you this today—If I have no more Satsangs to share with you and I shared this with you today, I can leave and I’m happy.
Mooji explains in 2 mins how the universe supports you even if you are not aware of it’s love and support. “Who reminds you to breathe and to beat your heart? Something is there, taking care…..” (Mooji) http://www.mooji.org (official website); http://mooji.satsangs.net (a source website of satsang dialogues), and also:http://www.youtube.com/moojiji and associated sites of Mooji’s satsang dialogues.
Whatever you perceive through the senses or the mind, there is nothing lasting about it, it is just a movement. It is the attention given to it that gives it the sense of reality. A video extract from the Satsang DVD ‘Take the Bullet of Understanding’, Zmar Silent Retreat, Portugal 30th May 2014, Session 1 The full Satsang recording is available as downloadable video (mp4) and audio (mp3) in the Mooji Satsang Shop: http://www.satsangshop.com/satsangs/6… Music: ‘Remember’ by Omkara from the album ‘From the Silence’ also available on: http://www.satsangshop.com/music/30-f… Videos with Subtitles in many Foreign Languages http://www.mooji.org/videos_foreignla…
Satsang with Mooji, Zmar Silent Retreat, 19 September 2012, session 2. “You must choose freedom. Don’t pretend: ‘Let’s see if it is working out.’ No. You must choose. Not ‘I want’… No! ‘I choose. I choose this!’ And let the consequences come because that is Truth. That is faith. That is trust. And work with that. Therefore, to each one, I say the same thing: Don’t back away. Don’t run away. Don’t give your mind this option. Don’t put it on top. Don’t respect mind. It is not your friend, not yet. It is not your guru, don’t listen to [More]

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