Ex-Cops Smoking Weed   Rene, David, and Robert are all retired police officers who smoke weed on video for all to see. They describe their background and experience after smoking marijuana. This video was recorded in Washington State where the recreational use of marijuana has been legalized. Produced, Directed, and Edited by Cut.com
From Neurons to Nirvana: The Great Medicines   This documentary, Neurons to Nirvana, takes a look at the history and the future of scientific research into five psychedelic substances: LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca, MDMA, and cannabis. In it, various highly-regarded scientists and experts in the field talk about the many medicinal potential of the drugs. The filmmakers are careful in their approach. Each of them notes that scientific studies and vocabulary, presented in a mainstream way, are necessary to educate the public about psychedelic medicine. They realize they are up against a lot of government—not to mention big business—disinformation, and paranoia about psychedelics. [More]

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