The truth about drivers license and how you have been suckered by the government into paying for and abiding by rules that do not apply to any one individual when not engaged in any kind public transportation moving people or using roadways as a business for making money. Eddie Craig presentation on traffic stops and how to act, including what to do and what not to do, plus education on maintaining your rights during traffic stops and other police encounters. Currently under construction, Tao of Law aspires to be the most technologically-advanced, cutting-edge, web-based patriot community and patriot educational, unifying, [More]
Sacred Geometry, Ancient Technology, Spirituality, Consciousness, Hidden History, Lost Civilizations, Energy, Coral Castle, Magnetism, Illuminati, Suppression, Religion, Astrology, Numerology, Philosophy, Esoteric and Occult Knowledge, and more…
Napoleon Hill’s “Think And Grow Rich.” Here is the full-length original first-edition video footage published by Napoleon Hill in March 1937 This video is perfectly named “Think And Grow Rich” which first popularized the “Law Of Attraction.” The Law of Attraction is defined simply by acknowledging that thoughts are things… to define clearer…. “You Are What You Think”…. “Like Attracts Like”….'”You Become Your Dominant Thoughts”… These thoughts were compiled by Napoleon Hill from the world’s millionaires at the turn of the twentieth century. Great material for anyone looking to change their life for the good and become successful in all [More]
One of the most important videos ever created in a very entertaining way. Everyone likes cartoons. “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and [More]
Manly P. Hall lecture from a series of lecture about “Occult Anatomy”.
Unless you are being paid to use the road for commerce, you do not need a Commercial Drivers License.  You have a “Right To Travel.”  Charlie Sprinkle and others have gone head to head with the law defending this right, and prevailed.  
Terence McKenna had been a pioneer in the quest to reclaim our consciousness and expand it further. Hats of to you Mr. McKenna! You are a hero to so many!

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