Science and Spirituality: Jeff Lieberman at TEDxCambridge

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Science and Spirituality

Jeff Lieberman at TEDxCambridge

Jeff Lieberman, an MIT-trained artist, scientist and engineer, makes a scientific argument for mystical experience. He asks us to challenge our perception of what we are, our relationship to the universe, and our relationship to one another. Our minds are “thought-generating machines.” What we would happen if we could turn off the machine? If we could transcend our individual experience of the world?

This talk was transcribed by Brad Miele.
Transcript here:

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In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)


Tao Ming says:

You are not your mind. The truth has been revealed. Visit *Truthcontest•com*
and open the present. The truth is stranger than fiction. 

Karma Action says:

I believe we need to change our minds.

“We are All One”

The unified field theory.
The measurement problem.
The infinite fluctuation of energy.
Are just some science that support religion and philosophy.

Science and spirituality: Jeff Lieberman at TEDxCambridge 2011

Pete Sehgal says:

*Science And Spirituality*; Oneness We Are!
*Please watch this short Tedx Talk video, only 14 minutes.*
*The cosmic definition of God:*
Boundaried, divided, separate from you, there is no God. Simply because
everything is God. God is another name for all there is.

Are gods of religions smaller than that?

Eric Ratchford says:

You all are just a bunch of hippies who cannot accept that we are born to
live and then die. That is all you need to know, life is nothing super
awesome and spiritually special. You god damn hippies are what began to
poison good old fashioned Americanism back in the 60’s and now you are
trying to do it on a cyber level, jesus christ. 

flavio lujan says:

This is literally what I just finished writing in my memos as I began to
have a wave of spiritual thoughts pour over me, after smoking some sweet
third eye opening Sativa. Every religion has been trying to pin-point the
iffy “Experience” of what it means to be spiritually enlightened. Iffy
because it’s an experience literally beyond words. “infinite oneness” is
literally what it feels like. I believe psychedelics to be like a spiritual
magnifying glass, because most people work through their problems
(relieving their suffering) and become overwhelmed with a sense of being
one with the universe. It makes sense that many people who “reach” this
state preach peace, love, and forgiveness. Its essential to be as objective
as possible with yourself to come to the realizations that you are not an
organism meant to suffer, but to thrive and prosper. You literally ARE your
thoughts, and so meditation is not only used to quiet the random streams of
dialogue, but to tame the dialogue and use it to your unique advantage.
When the dialogue is tamed, the ego vanishes, and all that remains is an
empty vessel. Enlightenment is realizing that the present is both the past
and the future, and that every moment can be crafted specifically to your
liking, having mastered your thoughts. The present is all there ever is and
will be. Learn to ride the wave, not go against it. There is nothing to
fear in the present, only lessons to learn. Namaste.

chubbymanz says:

meditation is just one way to develop a particular set of neuro-circuitry.
It is a hell of a skill to command your directed attention, but I wouldn’t
say it’s necessarily “beneath” or deeper than other states, of being swept
away, unaware, by romanticism, of adrenaline coursing, even of
catastrophizing and worrying. These are all amazing things trillions of
neurons reacting in concert can do. It is all really amazing. Though the
ability to command one’s attention through meditation, shrink the amygdala
and feed emotions back through the prefrontal cortex etc, is a very useful
skill to someone who feels they are getting swept away in anxiety,
depression, anger etc, no doubt. But someone who is content with just being
and experiencing that versus a total mindless hedonist isn’t really
objectively better or having a deeper experience. 

Anja Tanja says:

Imagine a bottle. Now put everything into that bottl, that you think makes
you. For example: I love dancing, I like video games, I am religious, all,
short, I am impatient, anxcious….. Now. being that is looking at that
bottle, that is you.

Light Being says:


Wells says:

Having had this experience first hand, I can say that I have not seen how
this brings an end to suffering. It may end all of those specific types of
suffering he listed, but in the end, we are faced with a terrible
consequence of this truth: We are completely and utterly alone. There is
nothing other than us. Conversations with “other people” are basically us
just talking to ourself. Albeit a piece that has had a different experience
and perspective, but still ourself none the less. Even sex becomes an
elaborate form of masturbation. At the same time it completely justifies
any and all heinous actions we may feel compelled to take against “others”,
as the only one that could possibly be hurt is ourself, which is completely
within our rights.

Many people might say the purpose of life is for us to better know ourself,
and interacting with “others” is a way to better understand the self, but
what is the point if there is no *actual* other to share it with? I have
not been able to find the answer to this question, and I suffer for it.
This realization has actually made me unable to maintain any kind of
meaningful relationship with anyone, be they friend, family or lover, as
all interactions I have with them leave me feeling completely hollow. Now I
avoid interacting with “others” whenever possible, as I feel more alone in
a room of people than I do at my desk on my own.

The irony is before I had this experience, I actually felt fulfilled and
happy. Now there’s a gaping void in my soul that nothing can fill.

Jimmy Khann says:

I believe we need to change our minds.

“We are All One”

The unified field theory.
The measurement problem.
The infinite fluctuation of energy.
Are just some science that support religion and philosophy.

We are God as on consciousness not the illusion of the Id ego self.

Science and spirituality: Jeff Lieberman at TEDxCambridge 2011

Mike Zorzan says:

I’m a big fan of seeing, reading and listening to things that can make me
think critically or ask questions. Even if I disagree, or don’t share the
same views. Jeff brought up some great things in this talk and it was very
interesting. I’m not writing to say he’s wrong, in fact I think he may be
very right, or in the right direction for his ideas. But the whole idea of
pure science comes to mind, the idea that we’re all just cells, energy etc.
And if we pursue this “pure science” we do eliminate what we know as our
humanity. It’s a work of fiction but the idea that pure science has no
place on earth has been touched on before in Alan Moore’s comic The
Watchmen: with Dr. Manhattan. We’re irrational beings trying to strive to
understand the rational and scientific equations that break down everything
and reduce it all to numbers or energy, cells etc. I guess part of my
comment is what came to mind while watching this and part trying to wrap my
head around what Jeff said. 

Karma Action says:

I believe we need to change our minds.

“We are All One”

The unified field theory.
The measurement problem.
The infinite fluctuation of energy.
Are just some science that support religion and philosophy.

We are God not the illusion of the Id ego self.

Science and spirituality: Jeff Lieberman at TEDxCambridge 2011

Patti K says:

*Science and Spirituality*

“Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we
live. Those who mostly identify with their material and transitory form,
with their appearance, bank account, job remain prisoners of those
restrictions imposed on us by the space-time continuum. However, if we
switch to a new consciousness, a consciousness for higher frequencies, we
experience the non transitory, the abiding. Time therefore is real and
exists in the material world; however, it is an illusion on the spiritual
level. Both realities are real. We ourselves decide according to which of
these realities we want to shape our lives.”
— Albert Einstein

*(For those who can understand German, here are Einstein’s actual words:)*

“Zeit und Raum geben uns nicht nur die Umstände vor, in denen wir leben,
sondern ganz besonders die Art, wie wir denken. Denken wir anders, leben
wir auch anders. Jene, die sich vornehmlich mit ihrer stofflichen und
vergänglichen Form identifizieren, mit ihrem Aussehen, Bankkonto, Beruf
bleiben Gefangene jener Einschränkungen, die uns das Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum
auferlegt. Schalten wir jedoch um auf ein neues Bewusstsein, ein
Bewusstsein für höhere Frequenzen, erfahren wir das Unvergängliche,
Beständige. Daher ist Zeit real und existiert in der Welt der Materie. Aber
sie ist eine Illusion auf spiritueller Ebene. Beide Wirklichkeiten sind
wirklich. Wir entscheiden selbst, nach welcher dieser Realitäten wir unser
Leben gestalten wollen.”

TacZero488 says:

This is soooo crazy but i am glad im on the same level as this guy i
literally was just having a conversation the other day saying what if
people in the past and in other cultures are on to something and what if
things like meditation and spirituality were adopted into modern society as
a tool of discovery and science.

Lily Prazsky says:

◊◊◊◊ The book *The Present* on *TruthContest•com* explains this more
clearly and expands on this. ◊◊◊◊

Michael Moser says:

wow. can someone please please give me a book recommendation on this kind
of topic ? You would do me a huge favor. Thank you so much.

Jon Wright says:

We all accept the parameters of the human condition and in doing so we
create a separation from accepting that we are pure energy and that we are
all one.

Jeremy Lavine says:

This is a bunch of incoherent, pseudo-scientific nonsense. Humans are not
the only animals that are conscious and have thoughts. Humans do have
advanced capabilities in language and abstract thought, which are
accompanied by unique forms of suffering, but this is adaptive and is the
reason for humanity’s evolutionary success. If, as the speaker demands, we
reject our identities as individuals and take consolation in the fact that
we are made up of matter=energy stemming from the Big Bang, then what
motivation would we have to improve the lot of our fellow humans, as the
speaker suggests? After all, we’d all have exactly the same energy=matter
value whether as people in a state of enlightenment, as people racked by
fear and pain, or as mounds of soil.

Mia Me says:

*I am excited to share this amazing TED Talk with all of you!* *You can use
subtitles and translate them in your language using “Tools” on the video,
in case English is not your mother tongue.*

*This man, Jeff Lieberman, speaks about who we are in a Scientific way, and
gives a great perspective on the Energy Theory, which in my mind is not a
theory but a fact!*

*He asks us to challenge our perception of what we are, our relationship to
the universe, and our relationship to one another. Our minds are
“thought-generating machines.” What would happen if we could turn off the
machine? If we could transcend our individual experience of the world?”*

*Please take a moment and watch. You won’t be sorry. Thank you!* *<3*

Ryan Yoo says:

I’m so glad to know that what this guy is saying is almost the same I’ve
been thinking of for more than a decade. Weird!

John Furr says:

I really enjoyed this video. Than you Jeff for giving the talk.

To the critics…
Maybe you should try meditation for a spell, who knows it might quite down
that over active ego mind that is so skeptical.

Franziska Goller says:

Thank you so much for this video and for reminding me. I heard you and i
love it.

eL3ctr1c4L says:

We are here to experience the separation, to have fun and more importantly
to learn, it was our own choice. There is no escaping it as long as we are
alive. “Upstairs” all is one, everybody knows everyone else’s thoughts ,
there are no secrets, so in essence I think it’s more enjoyable here than
“there”, otherwise why come here, right ?

Valerie Farley says:

I’ve been thinking about this all month! Maaaaybe I’ve seen this before. 

janraj cj says:

This has been mentioned in Vedas and Gita …Are you trying to claim its
your idea ? You should have mention where from you got the basics ?

KT Pierce says:

Some scientist he is.. lol. I guess he’s never had a dog who was excited by
the word “park” or who coward at the word “vet”. The dog is excited by the
word “park” because of past experiences and the excitement about the future
experience. Same with the word “vet”. The dog is apprehensive based on past
experience and foresees a displeasing future. Same with the word “bath”. We
are not the only species on the planet who can imagine a future or
experience emotions from the past. All animals have the capacity to relive
trauma, too. Why isn’t he thinking about this stuff?

Slav Bruner says:

As much as he started off great, later on he came to conclusions he should
not have gotten to. Lots of people agree with him here cause he
romanticized and spoke truth, but then combined it with false claims.
It’s true, we are energy and matter (not just energy). He assumed you can
look back and back again out of the fact that you can notice yourself
noticing, or hearing a voice only generated in your brain in a subjective
way. The conclusion from there is not that we are all one, also he assumed
that we HAVE a brain and not that we ARE a brain. He talks about a field of
science not yet tested and little is understood about, that means he
doesn’t get to state claims about it. Sure, he can play with it
philosophically, but the claims that religions tried to teach that to us
from the beginning is lame and wrong. In most religions there are souls
that are a separate thing from the body (like a driver in a car). Obviously
I don’t agree with that.

I do believe that there are different levels of conscientious, I don’t
believe, however, that it’s separate from the body, or that the
conscientious has nothing to do with matter. Like I said, matter and energy
co-exist. There universe is not made from one thing and that’s it. 

Manu Dhokai says:

One of the most enlightened sages from India was Bhagvan Ramana Maharsi.
He said the similar if not almost the same thing. The I that we think is
not the real I. To reach to that I you have to control your mind and
thought process. Real I can be achieved by silence and contemplation. He
died in 1950. 

Skot Ward says:

We are energy.

Marcel Stevahn says:

Check out this video on YouTube: Science and Spirituality. How will you
gain enlightenment?

Vironika Tugaleva says:

Wow, this talk surprised me at first in how many of his metaphors and words
match my own. But then, why wouldn’t they? There is no “I” that is separate
from “Him” or “You”. Why wouldn’t we find the same truths and use the same
words to describe them?

I do think that, because he is presenting himself, for this moment, as a
scientist, his work is incredibly important and powerful. The scientific
community, with this awareness, could do wonders for the human experience.
This talk excites me about the future of science, the future of humanity.

What do you think of this talk? Have you experienced yourself as energy,
like he say? How has that helped alleviate your suffering?

Science and spirituality: Jeff Lieberman at TEDxCambridge 2011 

sam171 says:

Wait…so how does realising that we are all energy make you feel

Karma Action says:

I believe we need to change our minds.

“We are All One”

The unified field theory.
The measurement problem.
The infinite fluctuation of energy.
Are just some science that support religion and philosophy.

We are God as on consciousness not the illusion of the Id ego self.

Science and spirituality: Jeff Lieberman at TEDxCambridge 2011

Bac Nguyen says:

Maybe I misunderstood the message…
My perception or what I understand from the video is that to end human
suffering, you have to eliminate all humanity (O.O’) so we can become one
with the energy that we are part of…

someone please help me out…

I do not get the link between the title “Science and Spirituality” and the
fact that we are energy..

Thank you

Jane Albright says:

my question is how to really let go of our thoughts about this.
I think we are like the fish and we don’t know we are in the water.Jane

RGDB. says:

Hit the nail on the head.

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